Ainda em relação a isto, destaco esta bela passagem:
I am in this race for all the women in their nineties who’ve told me they were born before women could vote, and they want to live to see a woman in the White House. For all the women who are energized for the first time, and voting for the first time. For the little girls – and little boys – whose parents lift them onto their shoulders at our rallies, and whisper in their ears, “See, you can be anything you want to be.” As the first woman ever to be in this position, I believe I have a responsibility to them.
Estou quase a verter uma lágrima... só não percebo uma coisa: porquê acrescentar "and little boys"? Uma mãe a suspirar ao ouvido do filho, "Estás a ver, Pedrito, quando cresceres podes ser como ela!" "O quê!? mãe, como ela!? antes ser do Benfica!"
(Dedicada ao Pata Roxa)
Hillary explica numa carta dirigida aos superdelegados democratas porque continua na corrida:
Recent polls and election results show a clear trend: I am ahead in states that have been critical to victory in the past two elections. From Ohio, to Pennsylvania, to West Virginia and beyond, the results of recent primaries in battleground states show that I have strong support from the regions and demographics Democrats need to take back the White House. I am also currently ahead of Senator McCain in Gallup national tracking polls, while Senator Obama is behind him. And nearly all independent analyses show that I am in a stronger position to win the Electoral College, primarily because I lead Senator McCain in Florida and Ohio.
"The successful speculator makes his profit by anticipating, not by modifying, existing economic tendences... Superstitions about speculation can only exist in an atmosphere of ignorance concerning the veritable influences that fix the level of the exchange"
John M. Keynes